Notice PDF:
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Noticing Party:
Consumer Advocacy Group, Inc.
Plaintiff Attorney:
Reuben Yeroushalmi
Alleged Violators:
Beiersdorf, Inc.; Beiersdorf North America, Inc.
Aniline, Formaldehyde (gas), Nickel
nivea bath care, mascara, eye cream
Complaint (0) Settlement (0) Judgment (0)
Notice PDF:
No PDF Available at this time
Noticing Party:
Consumer Advocacy Group, Inc.
Plaintiff Attorney:
Reuben Yeroushalmi
Alleged Violators:
Trans Pac Foods; Ittela Foods; Rymer International Seafoods; D & T; Central Seaway; Contessa Food Products; Mid-Pacific Seafood; Red Chamber Co.; Louisiana Packing; Meridian Products, Inc.; Ocean Duke Corp.; Ore Cal; Sea Snack Foods; Williams & Clark; Kitchens of the Oceans, Inc.; Ocean Seafood; Captain Charlie Seafood; Ocean Harvest Wholesale
Complaint (0) Settlement (0) Judgment (0)