Notice PDF:
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Noticing Party:
Consumer Advocacy Group, Inc.
Plaintiff Attorney:
Reuben Yeroushalmi
Alleged Violators:
Dolin Roofing& Rain Gutters
Soots, tars, and mineral oils (untreated and mildly treated oils and used engine oils)
Complaint (0) Settlement (0) Judgment (0)
Notice PDF:
No PDF Available at this time
Noticing Party:
Consumer Advocacy Group, Inc.
Plaintiff Attorney:
Reuben Yeroushalmi
Alleged Violators:
National Roofing & Construction Co.
Soots, tars, and mineral oils (untreated and mildly treated oils and used engine oils)
Complaint (0) Settlement (0) Judgment (0)
Notice PDF:
No PDF Available at this time
Noticing Party:
Consumer Advocacy Group, Inc.
Plaintiff Attorney:
Reuben Yeroushalmi
Alleged Violators:
Golden VAlley Roofing Co.
Soots, tars, and mineral oils (untreated and mildly treated oils and used engine oils)
Complaint (0) Settlement (0) Judgment (0)
Notice PDF:
No PDF Available at this time
Noticing Party:
Consumer Advocacy Group, Inc.
Plaintiff Attorney:
Reuben Yeroushalmi
Alleged Violators:
Modesto RoofingSiding Window
Soots, tars, and mineral oils (untreated and mildly treated oils and used engine oils)
Complaint (0) Settlement (0) Judgment (0)
Notice PDF:
No PDF Available at this time
Noticing Party:
Consumer Advocacy Group, Inc.
Plaintiff Attorney:
Reuben Yeroushalmi
Alleged Violators:
Anderson Roofing& Sheet Metal
Soots, tars, and mineral oils (untreated and mildly treated oils and used engine oils)
Complaint (0) Settlement (0) Judgment (0)