The Foreclosure Crisis Recovery Funds Grants
The Foreclosure Crisis Recovery Fund, created following the stipulated judgment in People of the State of California v. Countrywide Financial Corporation, consists of $5.2 million in grant money intended to fund local efforts to combat mortgage and foreclosure fraud. Overall funding will be divided into two grant cycles of approximately $2.6 million per year to allow programs to be funded for consecutive years. The initial grant cycle awards half the available funding; the following year, the grant process will be reopened. Awardees are encouraged to reapply in the next cycle to continue the work of their funded programs, and agencies not previously funded will have the opportunity to compete for funds in the next cycle.
In the initial grant cycle, 24 grant applications were received with a combined grant request of $6.9 million. The Attorney General’s first cycle funding awards are intended to bolster existing local efforts to create new initiatives against mortgage misconduct for the duration of one year. Factors considered included: maximizing the impact of the fund by reaching the most Californians; hardest-hit counties; and existing infrastructure and readiness to use the funds.
The grantees are listed below, along with the amounts that they were awarded.
2012 Grants
- Alameda County District Attorney:
$59,718 (Total Request: $107,460
- El Dorado County District Attorney:
$122,000 (Total Request: $122,000)
- Los Angeles City Attorney:
$75,000 (Total Request: $79,086)
- Los Angeles County Department of Consumer Affairs:
$112,942 (Total Request: $520,000)
- Los Angeles County District Attorney:
$5,418 (Total Request: $5,418)
- Merced County District Attorney:
$78,000 (Total Request: $78,000)
- Riverside County District Attorney:
$230,000 (Total Request: $240,000)
- San Bernardino County District Attorney:
$55,647 (Total Request: $56,751)
- San Diego City Attorney:
$56,846 (Total Request: $56,846)
- San Francisco County District Attorney:
$399,442 (Total Request: $436,186)
- San Joaquin County District Attorney:
$382,239 (Total Request: $392,939)
- Solano County District Attorney:
$228,526 (Total Request: $244,726)
- Tulare County District Attorney:
$404,063 (Total Request: $635,914)
- Ventura County District Attorney:
$423,573 (Total Request: $423,573)
2014 Grants
- Alameda County District Attorney:
$118,959 (Total Request: $118,959)
- Los Angeles City Attorney:
$75,000 (Total Request: $75,000)
- Los Angeles City Attorney (supplemental):
$55,000 (Total Request: $55,000)
- Los Angeles County District Attorney:
$475,312 (Total Request: $475,312)
- Orange County District Attorney:
$255,340 (Total Request: $307,340)
- Riverside County District Attorney:
$205,000 (Total Request: $230,000)
- Sacramento County District Attorney:
$251,405 (Total Request: $502,810)
- San Diego City Attorney:
$66,144 (Total Request: $66,144)
- San Francisco County District Attorney:
$362,815 (Total Request: $385,882)
- San Mateo County District Attorney:
$265,869 (Total Request: $265,869)
- Siskiyou County District Attorney:
$17,325 (Total Request: $17,325)
- Solano County District Attorney:
$255,512 (Total Request: $255,512)
- Tulare County District Attorney:
$207,559 (Total Request: $415,118)
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