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The California Department of Justice, Bureau of Forensic Services has developed and deployed an enhanced evidential roadside breath alcohol testing system. Manufactured by Draeger Safety Diagnostics, Inc., this system can be used either as a screening or as an evidential breath-alcohol testing device that meets the specific requirements of court admissibility as found in Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations. The heart of the system, the Draeger Alcotest 7510, measures 7 in. by 3 1/2 in. by 1 3/4 in. It is housed within a rugged, portable case measuring 18 1/2 in. by 15 in. by 7 in.
Specialized software within the Alcotest 7510, in conjunction with a keyboard and a magnetic card reader, allow law enforcement officers to collect and transfer stored test data via modem to a statewide, secure computer network. Printed records are produced at the time of testing using the built-in thermal printer.
The Bureau of Forensic Services provides service to 46 of California’s 58 counties. The Bureau, along with the support of the State Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), has taken a leadership role in developing roadside evidential, breath-alcohol testing. Our goal is to improve DUI enforcement and public safety by capturing a breath sample at the time of a traffic stop, not after transport to a testing facility. Roadside breath-alcohol testing provides a more accurate determination of blood alcohol levels since the test is taken at the time of the actual traffic stop. Roadside testing also allows agencies to more efficiently utilize their highly trained personnel. The Bureau supports approximately 1,200 Draeger Alcotest 7510 instruments specifically for portable, evidential field use.