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California law, pursuant to Health & Safety Code Sections §11480 & §11481, requires proposed research studies using certain opioid, stimulant, and hallucinogenic drugs classified as Schedule I and Schedule II Controlled Substances as their main study drug(s), to be reviewed and authorized by the Research Advisory Panel of California. See the Guidelines page for specific criteria.
The Research Advisory Panel of California primarily seeks to ensure the safety and protection of participating human research subjects and adequate security of the controlled substances used in the study. The Panel Members evaluate the scientific validity of each proposed project, and may reject proposals where the research is poorly conceived, would produce conclusions of little scientific value, or would not justify the exposure of California subjects to the risk of research.
During calendar year 2023, the Panel reviewed one hundred and two new and amended research submissions. Ninety-four of these submissions have been approved.
At the end of 2023, the Research Advisory Panel of California was monitoring one hundred and thirty-four research studies, of which eighty-eight were non-human research studies, and forty-six were human research studies.
California does not have a separate controlled substance license requirement. When researchers need to apply for DEA license/registration, go to the DEA: Diversion Control Division website, select Form 225, and write N/A in section 4.
Applicants may utilize the Controlled Substance Schedules website for further information on controlled substance schedules.