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The Attorney General's Division of Law Enforcement is one of the largest statewide investigative law enforcement agencies in the United States. The division is comprised of staff consisting of sworn law enforcement officers, criminalists/forensic scientists and professional personnel.
The mission of the Division of Law Enforcement is to enhance public safety by conducting (1) criminal investigations, (2) regulatory oversight, and (3) forensic analysis of evidence for criminal proceedings.
The division assists local, state and federal agencies by providing services in specialized areas including:
The Division of Law Enforcement is dedicated to enhancing the safety and reducing the vulnerability of all citizens, residents and visitors within the state of California.
The division works in partnership with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies to investigate criminal street gangs, stop the trafficking of dangerous narcotics, and bring criminals to justice.
The Attorney General's Bureau of Medi-Cal Fraud and Elder Abuse works aggressively to investigate and prosecute those who would rob taxpayers of millions of dollars each year and divert scarce health care resources from the needy. The Bureau also protects patients in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities from abuse or neglect.
The Attorney General's eCrime Unit works aggressively to investigate and prosecute multi-jurisdictional criminal organizations, networks, and groups that perpetrate identity theft crimes and technology crimes in which an electronic device or network is used to commit a crime; an electronic device or network is used to facilitate a crime; or an electronic device, network, or intellectual property is the target of the crime. The eCrime also protects Californians from privacy violations and evolving technology-related crime issues.
On behalf of the Department of Justice, and as a representative of the largest law enforcement agency, the California Attorney General (AG) is committed to recognizing the dedication of law enforcement officials who work to ensure the protection of the citizens throughout the State of California.
The AG’s Division of Law Enforcement recognizes the vocation of each sworn law enforcement officer and the time they have served throughout their public safety services within their community.
As part of this recognition as a sworn peace officer’s career arrives at a completion, the division makes available a request of a letter of retirement or proclamation under the AG’s signature. Use the form below to request a retirement letter under (Law Enforcement Only).
The criteria below is needed for a letter of request under the Attorney General’s signature:
Requests can be made with the Certificate, Program Letter, and Retirement Letter Request Form.
If your DNA was taken at arrest, you can ask to have it removed from DNA Databases, under the following conditions:
To facilitate the expungement process, please see the Expungement Request Form Instructions, pdf and the Expungement Request Form, pdf.
For additional information, you can also go to: