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Pursuant to Corporations Code section 14502(C)(2), each society shall provide a copy of an Order Confirming Appointment as a Humane Officer to the California Department of Justice (DOJ).
Copies of the Order Confirming Appointment can be submitted to the DOJ by mail, Fascimile, or in a PDF format through electronic mail.
Mailing Address:
California Department of Justice
P.O. Box 160207
Sacramento, CA 95816-0207
Attn: Humane Officers Compliance
Electronic Mail Address:
Officer Levels 1 and 2, required every 3 years
Humane Officers, pursuant to Corporations Code 14502 (h)(E)(3), must provide a copy of their certificate of continuing education (40 hours) compliance, to the DOJ, no later than 21 days after the expiration of each three-year period. Failure to file the certificate of compliance with the DOJ no later than 21 days after the expiration of a three-year period shall result in immediate revocation of the appointment. Continuing education certificates can be submitted by any of the above listed methods. Continuing Education Certificates of Compliance can be found at: Continuing Education Certificate of Compliance, pdf
Officer Level 1, required every 6 months
Humane Officers authorized to carry firearms, pursuant to Corporations Code 14502 (h)(E)(4), must provide a copy of their certificate of ongoing weapons training and range qualification compliance, to the DOJ, no later than 21 days after the expiration of each six-month period. Failure to file the certificate of compliance with the DOJ no later than 21 days after the expiration of a six-month period shall result in immediate revocation of the appointment. Certificates can be submitted by any of the above listed methods. Certificates of Compliance can be found at: Weapons Training and Range Qualification Certificate of Compliance, pdf
State Humane Association of California
California Animal Welfare Association