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Advises Californians on steps to protect themselves and others from those no longer able to responsibly possess weapons
RIVERSIDE — California Attorney General Rob Bonta today announced the seizure of dozens of guns, including assault weapons, and thousands of rounds of ammunition from two individuals in Riverside County, one of whom was prohibited from possessing firearms. The prohibited individual is listed as prohibited in the Armed and Prohibited Persons System (APPS) due to a mental health-based prohibition. As required by the law, prohibited individuals must relinquish any firearms, magazines, and ammunition in their possession. California Department of Justice agents initially went to the home of the individuals — both of whom are seniors — to allow the prohibited person to turn over his weapons, magazines, and ammunition voluntarily. However, the prohibited person and his spouse refused entry and were uncooperative. As a result, DOJ and Menifee Police Department executed a search warrant to recover the weapons. Upon entry, they found 54 guns from the seniors’ home — including two AR-15 style assault rifles, two UZI assault weapons, and 35 handguns — as well as 157 magazines and 2,200 rounds of ammunition. Three of these weapons were loaded, located in plain sight, and were not locked in a safe that would be inaccessible to the prohibited person. (Pictures can be found here: image 1, image 2, image 3, Image 4)
“Keeping our communities safe and removing firearms from individuals found too dangerous to possess them is a top priority for my office,” said Attorney General Bonta. “These individuals may pose an increased risk to themselves and others — especially if they have access to a dangerous firearm. I implore Californians to take the necessary steps to protect themselves and others to ensure those who can no longer responsibly possess a firearm do not have access to one. Please do not feel guilty or hesitant to reach out to local law enforcement for assistance should you need it.”
Nearly 33% of people who die from firearm injuries in the U.S. are over 50 — about 84% of firearm deaths among older adults are suicides, with another 14% being homicides, including domestic violence. Access to firearms can pose an increased danger to older persons with cognitive impairment such as dementia, as well as others around them, including family members and caregivers. About one in three individuals with dementia exhibit combative behavior, and by 2050 the number of individuals with dementia living in homes with guns is estimated to increase to 12 million.
Attorney General Bonta reminds Californians of steps they can take to prevent gun violence and protect those who are no longer able to responsibly possess firearms. Anyone who believes a person to be a danger to themselves or others should contact local law enforcement. Family members, employers, coworkers, and school employees can also petition the court directly for a Gun Violence Restraining Order (GVRO) to prohibit a person from possessing firearms who they believe poses a serious threat.
Individuals who are in fear of or experiencing abuse by someone with whom they are in a close relationship – such as a current or former spouse, partner, or parent – can request a Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVRO).
Petitioners can request a temporary GVRO or DVRO from the civil court in their county of residence. A judge will consider the facts presented in the petitioner’s formal, written application and/or at a hearing. Using the information presented, the judge will assess whether the subject is presently at risk of harming anyone. Under California law, orders are granted or denied the same day the petition is submitted to the court. If granted, the subject must relinquish their firearms within 24-48 hours, and for the duration of the order. Orders can be extended by requesting an Order after Hearing. These orders can be issued from one to five years for GVROs, and can be non-expiring for a DVRO.
The application, as well as more information on GVROs and DVROs, can be found here.
Victims of domestic violence who are in immediate danger should call 911. For additional information and assistance call:
California continues its efforts to advance laws and policies that save lives and prevent gun deaths. In 2021, California saw a 37% lower gun death rate than the national average. According to the CDC, California’s gun death rate was the 44th lowest in the nation, with 8.5 gun deaths per 100,000 people – compared to 13.7 deaths per 100,000 nationally, 28.6 in Mississippi, 20.7 in Oklahoma, and 14.2 in Texas. California’s gun death rate for children is also lower than other states, and is 58% lower than the national average.
Attorney General Bonta stands with partners to continue preventing gun violence strategically and aggressively by: