Attorney General Kamala D. Harris Issues Statement on Elementary School Truancy Legislation

Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Contact: (916) 210-6000,

SACRAMENTO -- Attorney General Kamala D. Harris today issued the following statement on Governor Brown’s veto of A.B. 1866 and A.B. 1672 and his signing of A.B. 2141 and A.B. 1643:

“I am disappointed that Governor Brown vetoed AB 1866 and AB 1672. These are missed opportunities to help keep California's youngest and most vulnerable students on track. The facts are very clear. We know that nearly a million elementary school children are truant from our classrooms each year. We know foster, low-income and minority children are truant at much higher rates than other children. And we know truancy drives California's drop-out, crime and incarceration rates. We must get serious about keeping track of whether young children are in school.

The Governor has expressed his commitment to reducing absenteeism and his signature of AB 1643 and AB 2141 are good steps in the right direction. His pledge to do more with local school officials to address California’s elementary school truancy rates will, I hope, result in more tools to address this problem.

I thank Assemblymembers Bocanegra, Holden, Bonta, Hall and Buchanan and the parents, educators and communities who worked so diligently to move these bills forward. I commit to using every tool I have available to address this crisis in our schools.”

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