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SAN FRANCISCO -- Attorney General Kamala D. Harris issued the following statement in honor of Black History Month:
“This month, and throughout the year, we honor the contributions of African-American leaders to our great nation. From our schools and laboratories to our courtrooms and the Oval Office, African-Americans have overcome tremendous barriers to help America realize its promise of justice and opportunity for all. The proud and, at times, painful legacy of the African-American community is an essential part of our national story. By celebrating Black History Month, we ensure that story continues to teach, challenge and inspire all Americans.
We know by heart the stories of many African American trailblazers, like those of my personal heroes Thurgood Marshall, Charles Hamilton Houston and Constance Baker Motley. Yet too many have yet to receive the telling they deserve, like that of Wiley Manuel. In the lobby of my office, there is a 1956 photograph of Attorney General Edmund G. “Pat” Brown and his staff. Wiley Manuel, the only African-American in that photo, went on to become the first African-American to serve on the California Supreme Court. We celebrate this month in his honor, and that of countless other heroes.”