Attorney General Xavier Becerra: Immigration Enforcement Must Respect the Constitution

Monday, March 27, 2017
Contact: (916) 210-6000,

SACRAMENTO - Attorney General Xavier Becerra today issued the following statement in response to Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ statements about requiring jurisdictions seeking federal grants to comply with federal immigration laws:

"In California, we respect the Constitution and abide by federal law; we expect the federal government to do the same. The Trump Administration should rethink its plan to force state and local governments to do the federal government's bidding on immigration.

I will continue to work with our federal law enforcement partners for the good and safety of all our people. But it's a low blow to our brave men and women in uniform to threaten to withhold public safety funding that they have earned unless Donald Trump gets his way on immigration. We will fight to protect those policing resources, just as we will protect all the residents of our state against unconstitutional overreach by our federal government."

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