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Toll-Free Hotline: 1-888-TELL-CBI (1-888-835-5224)
(STOCKTON) – State and local law enforcement are asking anyone who has had contact in recent years with accused child molester Richard Rahn Thompson, 59, of Stockton, to call authorities using the toll-free hotline: 1-888-TELL-CBI (1-888-835-5224), said Attorney General Bill Lockyer, San Joaquin County District Attorney John Phillips, and Stockton Police Chief Edward Chavez.
Thompson was arrested on June 18 in Florida when he returned to the United States from Honduras, where he apparently fled after becoming aware that he was under investigation in California. Thompson has been held in the San Joaquin County Jail since July 1, charged with six counts of continuous child molestation, six counts of lewd and lascivious acts with children, and failure to register as a sex offender. Thompson was convicted of sex offenses involving children in 1975 and 1981 in San Diego County.
Thompson, a Stockton area resident since the mid-1980s, is believed to have had contact with dozens of children in recent years. He is charged with molesting at least eight boys age seven to 12, all of Cambodian descent, at his house after being entrusted with them by their parents. Investigators found that he transported the children to church activities and outings, allowed them to play with toys or video games at his house, and purchased toys and meals for them. Over time, a number of parents allowed their children to participate in weekend sleepovers at Thompson's house. Thompson allegedly molested the children during these sleepovers.
Photographs of Thompson, who may not be known by his full name by many of the children entrusted to him, are available to members of the media by calling 916-227-3882.
The Stockton Police Department, San Joaquin District Attorney investigators and the state Department of Justice Bureau of Investigation Sacramento Sexual Predator Apprehension Team continue to investigate the case.