Attorney General Kamala D. Harris Issues Statement on May Revision

Monday, May 14, 2012
Contact: (916) 210-6000,

SACRAMENTO -- Attorney General Kamala D. Harris today issued the following statement on the Governor’s May Revision:

“The state Department of Justice stood firm for over a year against the nation’s largest banks on behalf of California homeowners harmed by the foreclosure crisis. This effort resulted in an agreement that will provide billions in relief to California homeowners who are experiencing hardship. The agreement also required the banks to pay an additional $410 million to get homeowners the expert help they need to keep their homes.

The Governor’s May Revision, however, proposes to redirect this $410 million from the state’s homeowners to other budget purposes. While the state is undeniably facing a difficult budget gap, these funds should be used to help Californians stay in their homes. I plan to work with the Governor and Legislature toward a balanced budget that honors our obligations to California’s homeowners.”

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