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The Attorney General has developed a brochure with information on how to identify and report hate crimes and the services available to victims of hate crimes.
The hate crimes brochure is available in nine languages: English, Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Punjabi, Spanish, Vietnamese. The brochures can be downloaded, printed and shared online.
The Attorney General is the chief law officer of the State. It is his duty to see that the laws of the State are uniformly and adequately enforced. Because crimes motivated by hate are not just attacks on individual innocent people, but attacks on the entire State and our communities, the California Department of Justice (Department) will direct the deployment of the full resources of the Department to aid and assist local and federal law enforcement authorities in the investigation of possible hate crimes, and in the identification, arrest, prosecution, and conviction of the perpetrators of those crimes.
In order to ensure that the perpetrators of hate crimes are quickly identified and apprehended the Attorney General reaffirms this protocol for the Attorney General’s Hate Crime Rapid Response Team. The team shall be composed of employees of the Department of Justice who perform functions within the Department that, if rapidly deployed, may assist local and federal law enforcement authorities in the identification, arrest, prosecution, and conviction of the perpetrators of hate crimes. The team shall be on call at all times.
The Attorney General’s Hate Crime Rapid Response Team does not supplant the efforts of local and federal law enforcement authorities with respect to the investigation and prosecution of hate crimes. It is the Attorney General’s intent that those agencies have access to, on a highest of priorities basis, the full resources of the Department of Justice at their disposal. He believes that through a strong cooperative and team effort, state, local, and federal law enforcement agencies will be in the best position to quickly and decisively respond to the commission of a hate crime in California.
View the protocols: