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(A brief description of 15 databases)
The Adult Probation file provides information on adults who are convicted in California courts and are placed under the jurisdiction of either the state correctional system or a correctional system operated by local government. The database provides gross counts that give a statistical profile of the probation function for superior and lower courts by county, type of placement, reasons for removal from probation and the number of persons in supervision caseloads.
The Adult Probation electronic files date from 1997 to the present and are submitted to the Department by County Probation agencies.
The Anti-Reproductive-Rights Crimes (ARRC) database contains information on crimes that are committed against reproductive health services providers, clients, assistants or the facilities where these services are provided or at a place of worship because of the church's beliefs regarding reproductive rights. The data include the location of the crime, victim type (individual/property), race/ethnicity, gender of victims and suspects, weapon involved, and property loss or damage.
The ARRC electronic files date from 2005 to the present and are submitted to the Department by law enforcement agencies (LEA).
The Monthly Arrest and Citation Register (MACR) database provides information on felony and misdemeanor level arrests for adults and juveniles and status offenses (e.g., truancy, incorrigibility, running away, and curfew violations) for juveniles. The following data elements are included in this file: race/ethnicity, sex, date of arrest, offense level, status of the offense and law enforcement disposition (i.e., released, turned over to another agency and complaint sought).
The MACR electronic files date from 1980 to the present and are submitted to the Department by LEAs.
The Arson database provides statistical data on arson offenses. The database includes information on the type of arson (e.g., structural, mobile, or other), the number of actual offenses, the number of clearances and the estimated dollar value of property damaged.
The Arson electronic files date from 1980 to the present and are submitted to the Department by LEAs.
The Citizens' Complaints Against Peace Officers (CCAPO) file provides annual statewide summary information on the number of non-criminal complaints reported by citizens against law enforcement personnel, the number alleging criminal conduct of either a felony or misdemeanor and the number of complaints that were sustained.
The CCAPO electronic files date from 2004 to the present and are submitted to the Department by LEAs.
The Crimes and Clearances database provides statistical data on the offenses of criminal homicide, rape, robbery, assault, burglary, larceny-theft and motor vehicle theft. The data include the number of actual offenses and the number of clearances. Supplemental data are collected on the nature of crime and the value of property stolen and recovered. The data represent the eight crime offenses chosen by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) because of their seriousness, frequency of occurrence and likelihood of being reported to law enforcement. The data are also forwarded to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting program for publication in Crime in the United States.
The Crimes electronic files date from 1979 to the present and are submitted to the Department by LEAs.
The Death in Custody database contains information on persons who died while in the custody of a local or state law enforcement agency and the circumstances relating to the death.
The Death in Custody electronic files date from 1980 to the present and are submitted to the Department by LEAs and other criminal justice agencies.
The Domestic Violence Related Calls for Assistance (DV) database provides summary statistical data on the total number of domestic violence related calls received by LEAs, the number of cases involving weapons and the type of weapon used during the incident.
The DV electronic files dates from 1987 to the present and are submitted to the Department by LEAs.
The Hate Crime Prosecution file provides summary data submitted by district attorneys and city attorneys regarding hate crime complaints filed and convictions secured. The file includes information regarding criminal acts which cause physical injury, emotional suffering or property damage and there is a reasonable cause to believe that the crime was motivated by the victim's race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or physical or mental disability.
The Hate Crime Prosecution electronic files date from 2013 to the present and are submitted to the Department by county district attorneys and elected city attorneys.
The Hate Crime database contains information on the number of hate crime events reported to California's LEAs. Data elements include the location of the crime, type of bias-motivation, victim type (individual/property), number of victims/suspects and victim's/suspect's race.
The Hate Crime electronic files date from 1996 to the present and are submitted to the Department by LEAs.
The Homicide database contains data on the number of criminal homicides known to LEAs in California. The database contains victim/offender relationship, day and month of the homicide, location, type of weapon used, and the precipitating event.
The Homicide electronic files date from 1987 to the present and are primarily submitted to the Department by LEAs.
The Juvenile Court and Probation Statistical System (JCPSS) database is designed to collect, compile and report statistical data on the administration of juvenile justice in California. It provides information on a juvenile's process through the juvenile justice system from probation intake to final case disposition.
The JCPSS electronic files date from 2002 to the present and are submitted to the Department by County Probation agencies.
The Law Enforcement Officers Killed or Assaulted (LEOKA) database contains information on peace officers who were killed or assaulted while in the line of duty. The data include the type of criminal activity, type of weapon used, type of assignment, time of assault, number with or without personal injury, police assaults cleared and officers killed by felonious act or by accident or negligence.
The LEOKA electronic files date from 2000 to the present and are submitted to the Department by LEAs.
The Law Enforcement Personnel file contains information on the number of full-time sworn and non-sworn, male and female law enforcement personnel employed by LEAs. The Criminal Justice Personnel file contains information on attorneys, investigators, clerical and other personnel employed by district attorneys, public defenders and probation departments.
The Law Enforcement Personnel electronic files date from 1980 to present and from 2003 to the present for the Criminal Justice Personnel file. Data are submitted by LEAs and other entities that employ peace officer and criminal justice personnel. For this data set only, contract agency numbers are rolled into the "primary" agency and only one number is submitted.
The Violent Crimes Committed Against Senior Citizens (VCASC) database provides summary information on the total number of persons 60 years of age or older who were victims of homicide, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault.
The VCASC electronic files date 2000 to the present and are submitted to the Department by LEAs.