Data Broker Name:
TransUnion Risk and Alternative Data Solutions, Inc.
How a consumer may opt out of sale or submit requests under the CCPA:
TransUnion provides two methods for consumers to submit requests under the CCPA and opt-out of the sale of their personal information. A consumer can visit the online portal at or call 1-866-310-8783.
How a protected individual can demand deletion of information posted online under Gov. Code sections 6208.1(b) or 6254.21(c)(1):
TransUnion does not knowingly post online information governed by Gov. Code sections 6208.1(b) or 6254.21(c)(1) or maintain a website that allows others to post information and thereby create a risk of such information being posted online. However, a protected individual can call 1-866-310-8783 to demand deletion in the event any such information is posted online.