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When applying for jobs today, many people post resumés on web sites or in online databases. Please post cautiously - identity theft can occur anytime you share sensitive information online. The World Privacy Forum’s Job Seeker's Guide to Resumes: Twelve Resume Posting Truths, has helpful tips for online job seekers.
An employer may do a background check on an applicant to see if he or she is qualified for the job. These checks can be extensive and cover employment or criminal history, educational or medical records, references, or driving records. A good resource on job applicants’ rights when it comes to background checks is the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse's Employment Background Checks: A Job Seeker's Guide and Employment Background Checks in California: New Focus on Accuracy.
* Additional information about Background Checks and frequently asked questions can be found on our web site.
Your employer is generally allowed to monitor your workplace communications, such as business phone calls and computer usage, and to access to your voicemail and e-mail. For information on workplace monitoring, see the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse's Workplace Privacy and Employee Monitoring and Workplace Fairness's Privacy & Workplace Surveillance.