Data Broker Registration for Skyhook Holding, Inc.

Data Broker Name: 
Skyhook Holding, Inc.
Email Address (Accessible to the public): 
privacy [at]
Physical Address: 
1400 Liberty Ridge Drive
Wayne, PA 19087
United States
How a consumer may opt out of sale or submit requests under the CCPA: 
Consumers may make use of a webform maintained on the Skyhook website at Consumers may also submit general privacy requests to
How a protected individual can demand deletion of information posted online under Gov. Code sections 6208.1(b) or 6254.21(c)(1): 
Skyhook does not maintain data relating to (nor do we provide to our clients) the home address, telephone number, e-mail address, image or similar information of any individual. However, deletion requests may generally be submitted by any individual to or in writing to: Skyhook, Attn: General Counsel, 1400 Liberty Ridge Drive, Wayne PA 19087.
Additional information about data collecting practices: 
Skyhook's full data collection, use, and disclosure practices are described in detail in its online privacy policy, available at:
Date Approved: 