How a consumer may opt out of sale or submit requests under the CCPA:
Via any of the following: (a) clicking the "Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Info" link on our website at, (b) mailing a written request to Terminus Software, Inc., ATTN: Data Privacy Request, 925B Peachtree St NE, #313, Atlanta, GA 30309, or (c) emailing us at In either of the foregoing channels, the consumer should include their name, email address and state/jurisdiction of residence. More information may be found in Terminus' Privacy Policy posted at
How a protected individual can demand deletion of information posted online under Gov. Code sections 6208.1(b) or 6254.21(c)(1):
A demand by a protected individual under Gov. Code section any of the following: (a) clicking the "Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Info" link on our website at, (b) mailing a written request to Terminus Software, Inc., ATTN: Data Privacy Request, 925B Peachtree St NE, #313, Atlanta, GA 30309, or (c) emailing us at In either of the foregoing channels, the protected individual should include their name, email address, and telephone number and/or home address (as applicable to this request). A demand made under this paragraph shall include a sworn statement declaring that the person is subject to the protection of this section and describing a reasonable fear for the safety of that individual or of any person residing at the individual’s home address.
Additional information about data collecting practices:
More information about Terminus Software, Inc.'s data collecting practices may be found at