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The Automated Firearms System is a repository of firearm records maintained by the Department, as established by Penal Code section 11106. The Automated Firearms System is populated by way of firearm purchases or transfers at a California licensed firearm dealer, registration of assault weapons (during specified registration periods), an individual’s report of firearm ownership to the Department, Carry Concealed Weapons Permit records, or records entered by law enforcement agencies.
Commencing July 1, 2019, an individual will have the ability to electronically update one or more Automated Firearms System records through the California Firearms Application Reporting System (CFARS) to match his or her current name, date of birth, address, and California Driver License, California Identification Card, or Military Identification Number.
Maintaining accurate personal information within the Automated Firearm System is critical if you plan to purchase ammunition by meeting the eligibility requirements established by Penal Code section 30370, subdivisions (c) and (d). If the information that is provided to the ammunition vendor does not match an entry in the Automated Firearms System database, the transaction must be denied. As such, it is important to ensure records are accurate.
How do I update my Automated Firearm System record?
To update your personal information on a record in the Automated Firearms System, log into your CFARS account, click on “Automated Firearms System (AFS) Personal Information Update,” and follow the instructions. If you do not have a CFARS account, you may create one by visiting
What information is needed to update an Automated Firearm System record?
Please refer to the Automated Firearms System Information Update Regulations for more information.
Is there a fee associated with updating an Automated Firearm System record?
There is no fee for updating your record.
What can I expect after submission of the Automated Firearms System Personal Information Update request?
Once your submission has been processed, the Department will send an email to the email address on file to let you know the status of your submission or to advise you to log on to CFARS to review notices from the Department.
What if I don’t know the exact personal information or firearms information that was used when I purchased or transferred my firearm?
You can request to obtain information on all firearms for which you are listed as the purchaser, transferee, or owner in the State of California. Based on the personal information you provide, the Department will conduct a diligent search of the Automated Firearms System and will provide you with the listing via mail. Once you receive the listing, you can reference the personal and firearm information that was recorded at the time the firearm was purchased or transferred. Thereafter, you can use the information to update your Automated Firearm System record. The Automated Firearms System Request for Firearm Records (BOF 053) application can be located at
I know I have an Automated Firearms System record but I am not sure if my personal information is current. May I submit a new Firearm Ownership Report instead of updating my Automated Firearm System record?
No. The Department will not process firearm ownership reports for firearms that are already recorded in your name.
What if I don’t have a firearm record in the Automated Firearm System and I want to purchase ammunition?
For more information about how you can meet the requirements to purchase ammunition without having an Automated Firearms System record, please visit the Ammunition Purchase Authorization webpage.