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Please refer to Penal Code sections 26150, 26155, 26165, 26170, 26185, and 26202 , as well as the Standard Initial and Renewal Application for License to Carry a Weapon Capable of Being Concealed (BOF 4012). County sheriffs and police departments are the licensing authorities responsible for issuing CCWs, not the DOJ.
Upon the denial or revocation, the licensing authority (i.e., county sheriff or police department) must provide the applicant with a copy of the most recent “Request for Hearing to Challenge Disqualified Person Determination” form. As described in Penal Code section 26206, subdivision (c), you have 30 days after the receipt of the notice of the denial or revocation to use this form to request a hearing from the superior court of your county of residence. Note that, as described in Penal Code section 26206, subdivision (c), some licensing authorities may require you to first appeal the denial or revocation with the licensing authority before requesting a hearing from the superior court.
Please review Penal Code section 26165 and California Code of Regulations, title 11, subdivisions §4400-4412 for more information about how to qualify as a DOJ Certified CCW Instructor. Additional information is also available at
For more information about DOJ Certified CCW Instructors located in your area, please contact your local licensing authority (i.e., county sheriff or police department).
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Please review Penal Code sections 26150 through 26170 and 26220 and consult your local licensing authority (i.e., county sheriff or police department) to determine which type of CCW license you may be eligible to apply for.
Pursuant to Penal Code section 26220, the periods of validity for each CCW license type are as follows:
For licenses issued pursuant to Penal Code sections 26150 and 26155, an applicant must be the recorded owner of the pistols, revolvers, or other firearms for which the license will be issued.
For licenses issued pursuant to Penal Code section 26170, an applicant must be the recorded owner of the pistols, revolvers, or other firearms for which the license will be issued; or, the applicant must be authorized to carry a firearm that is registered to the agency for which the applicant has been deputized or appointed to serve as a peace officer.