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Notice Date: March 25, 2024
On January 2, 2024, the Department’s first emergency package adopting CCW license regulations was filed with the Secretary of State. As originally drafted, section 4410 requires applicants to provide a training certificate from one of the following programs: (1) Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS), Department of Consumer Affairs, State of California-Firearm Training Instructor; (2) Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST), State of California-Firearms Instructor or Rangemaster; or (3) Authorization from a State of California accredited school to teach a firearm training course.
The Department received approximately 2,000 public comments, most of which expressed concern that the new qualifications for becoming a DOJ Certified Instructor were too restrictive because the list of acceptable training programs did not include other similar programs. After conducting additional research and review, BOF proposes to expand the list of qualified training programs to include the following: (1) POST Concealed Carry Tactics Instructor; (2) California Highway Patrol (CHP) or California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR)-Firearms Instructor, Weapons Instructor, or Rangemaster; or (3) National Rifle Association (NRA)-Law Enforcement Instructor or Basics of Personal Protection Outside the Home Instructor. Basics of Personal Protection Outside the Home Instructors must additionally be both an NRA Certified Pistol Instructor and Personal Protection in the Home Instructor. These programs were added in response to stakeholder feedback and applications submitted.
The Legislature deemed the Department’s regulations necessary to address an emergency because of the public’s safety interests in preventing persons who are prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm from obtaining CCW licenses. (Pen. Code § 26225, subd. (d).)
Sections Affected:
California Code of Regulations, Title 11, Division 5, Chapter 14
Amend Sections: 4410, 4412
Status of the Proposal:
On April 10, 2024, the Office of Administrative Law approved the Department’s emergency action regarding Carry Concealed Weapons DOJ Certified Instructors and filed it with the Secretary of State. These regulations became effective on April 10, 2024.
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Emergency Regulations: March 25, 2024