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Criminal penalties may attach to persons who sell, purchase, give, or otherwise transfer a non-roster handgun. However, there are three groups of public entities that may purchase non-roster handguns. The prerequisites for purchase, the eligibility of sworn members of the entities to purchase non-roster handguns for personal use, and the restrictions on resale vary. For complete details please see California Penal Code section 32000, et seq. The three groups and relevant restrictions are:
Group 1 (for use in the discharge of their official duties):
Purchase, Use, and Resale Restrictions: The sale to, or purchase by, sworn members of these agencies is also permitted. These sworn members may purchase non-roster handguns for personal use and may generally sell or transfer the non-roster handgun to any firearm eligible purchaser at a licensed firearm dealer.
Group 2 (for use as a service weapon):
Purchase, Use, and Resale Restrictions: The sale to, or purchase by, sworn members of these agencies is also permitted. However, these sworn members must have satisfactorily completed the Peace Officer Standards Training (POST) basic course or, before January 1, 2021, have satisfactorily completed the firearms portion of a training course prescribed by POST pursuant to California Penal Code section 832, and who, as a condition of carrying that handgun, complete a live-fire qualification prescribed by their employing entity at least once every six months. Sworn members of Group 2 entities may only resell or transfer a non-roster handgun to sworn members of Group 1, Group 2, or Group 3 entities. Documentation for sworn members of Group 2 to purchase may include a letter from the head of the employing agency providing: (1) the employee's name; (2) agency name; (3) head of agency’s name, title and signature; (4) a statement that as a condition of carrying the handgun, the employee completes a live-fire qualification prescribed by the employing entity at least once every six months; and (5) a statement the employee has completed the POST basic course or, before January 1, 2021, satisfactorily completed the firearms portion of a training course prescribed by the POST. It is recommended that the letter be retained with the record of sale.
Group 3 (for use as a service weapon):
Also Note: only sworn members of these entities who have satisfactorily completed the POST basic course or, before January 1, 2021, have satisfactorily completed the firearms portion of a training course prescribed by the POST pursuant to California Penal Code section 832, and who, as a condition of carrying that handgun, complete a live-fire qualification prescribed by their employing entity at least once every six months are permitted to use non-roster handguns as service weapons.
A sworn peace officer, as defined in Chapter 4.5 (commencing with section 830) of Title 3 of Part 2 of the Penal Code, or sworn federal law enforcement officer, who is authorized to carry a firearm in the course and scope of that officer’s duties may possess, borrow, purchase, receive, and import into this state a large-capacity magazine. (Pen. Code, § 32405.)
The waiting period described in Penal Code section 26815 does not apply to the sale, delivery, or transfer of firearms made to any person who satisfies both of the following requirements:
Proper identification is defined as verifiable written certification from the head of the agency by which the purchaser or transferee is employed, identifying the purchaser or transferee as a peace officer who is authorized to carry firearms while in the performance of duties, and authorizing the purchase or transfer. (Pen. Code, § 26950, subd. (b)(1).)