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Please be advised that our office cannot represent individual citizens in legal matters, and cannot give individuals legal advice.
If you need legal assistance, we suggest that you contact a private attorney. You may obtain a referral to a certified lawyer referral service by contacting the State Bar at 866-442-2529 (toll-free in California) or 415-538-2250 (from outside California), or via the State Bar website.
If you cannot afford a private attorney, you may consider contacting your local legal aid office. For a referral, visit the Legal Services Corporation and click on the Find Legal Aid tab.
If you have information about a crime, please report the matter locally to the police department or sheriff's office. For contact information, visit the California Law Enforcement Agencies page and click on your city or county law enforcement agency.
If you are contacting our Office about the national mortgage servicing settlement with Citibank, JPMorgan Chase/Washington Mutual, Bank of America/Countrywide, Wells Fargo/Wachovia, and Ally Financial/GMAC, please visit our National Mortgage Settlement website for helpful information.
Although we do our best to respond to all e-mails as quickly as possible, due to high volume, it is possible to experience a delay. We thank you for your patience.