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The mission of the Bureau of Gambling Control is to ensure that gambling in California is conducted honestly, competitively and free of criminal and corruptive elements. The Bureau has regulatory authority over California’s cardrooms under the Gambling Control Act. In March 2000, the California voters passed Proposition 1A permitting Class III gaming on Indian land. While the tribe maintains the primary responsibility for onsite regulation, the State is responsible for ensuring compliance with all aspects of the Tribal/State compact. The Bureau’s responsibilities fall into two general categories: licensing/compliance and enforcement.
Licensing conducts in-depth background investigations on applicants to determine whether they are suitable to hold a state gambling license. Suitability is determined by a number of factors including honesty, integrity, general character, reputation, habits, financial and criminal history. The Bureau is also responsible for tracking the identity, prior activities and present location of all gambling enterprise employees, and ensuring that all gambling enterprise employees hold a valid work permit. Work permits may be issued by the local authority, or by the State in jurisdictions where a locally-issued work permit is not required.
Compliance and Enforcement monitors the conduct of licensees to ensure that they are operating in compliance with the law. Agents and investigative auditors inspect premises where gambling is conducted; examine gambling equipment; audit papers, books, and records of the gambling establishment; investigate suspected violations of gambling laws; coordinate multijurisdictional investigations; investigate complaints lodged against licensees by the public; initiate disciplinary action where appropriate; and, provide immediate preservation of the public’s health, safety and welfare. The Bureau records and monitors the transportation of all gaming devices, and ensures all new slot machines meet established technical standards.