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The California Sex Offender Registry is responsible for determining if any sex offender registrant who applies for exclusion from the Megan’s Law public web site qualifies for exclusion. Registrants whose only registrable sex offenses are for the following offenses may apply for exclusion: Conviction of a registrable offense (Pen. Code, §§ 290–290.006) with proof of successful completion of probation or that you are currently on probation. Submit to the Department of Justice (DOJ) a certified copy of a probation report, pre-sentence report, report prepared pursuant to Pen. Code, § 288.1, or court documentation that demonstrates both the following: 1) You were the victim's parent, stepparent, sibling, or grandparent; and 2) The crime did not involve either oral copulation or penetration of the vagina or rectum of either the victim or the offender by the penis of the other or by any foreign object.
DOJ determines whether a person meets the requirements for exclusion, based on official court documents. Registered sex offenders who are granted exclusion from the Megan’s Law public web site must still register as sex offenders. Please note that it can take anywhere from 30 – 90 days or longer for DOJ to process your application. Access the application form.
This new form is to be used only for registrants specified under PC section 290.024.
Pursuant to Penal Code (Pen. Code) section 290.014, subdivision (b), if any person who is required to register Internet identifiers pursuant to Pen. Code, § 290.024 adds or changes an Internet identifier, as defined in Pen. Code, § 290.024, the person shall send written notice by mail of the addition or change to the law enforcement agency or agencies with which he or she is currently registered within 30 working days of the addition or change.
The law enforcement agency or agencies shall make the information available to the Department of Justice.
Pursuant to Pen. Code, § 290.024, subd. (a), a person who is convicted of a felony on or after January 1, 2017, requiring registration pursuant to the Act, shall register his or her Internet identifiers if a court determines at the time of sentencing that any of the following apply:
(1) The person used the Internet to collect any private information to identify the victim of the crime to further the commission of the crime.
(2) The person was convicted of a felony pursuant to subdivision (b) or (c) of Pen. Code, § 236.1 and used the Internet to traffic the victim of the crime.
(3) The person was convicted of a felony pursuant to Chapter 7.5 (commencing with Pen. Code, § 311) and used the Internet to prepare, publish, distribute, send, exchange, or download the obscene matter or matter depicting a minor engaging in sexual conduct, as defined in subdivision (d) of Pen. Code, § 311.4.
“Internet identifier” means any electronic mail address or user name used for instant messaging or social networking that is actually used for direct communication between users on the Internet in a manner that makes the communication not accessible to the general public. “Internet identifier” does not include Internet passwords, date of birth, social security number, or PIN number.
Access the registration form.
Registrants who attend colleges or institutes of higher education in California are required to register in person with the campus police department of that institution, or in the absence of a dedicated campus police department, the law enforcement agency which has jurisdiction over the location of the campus. (Pen. Code. § 290.01) However, registrants who solely participate in online courses with absolutely no requirement to be present on campus at any time and shall not be present at any time on campus may register as required by Penal Code section 290.01 via the mail with the DOJ Online Course Registration Form. Please note: If any component of the online course requires you to be physically on the campus, you ARE REQUIRED to register IN PERSON. Access the registration form.