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Pursuant to California Penal Code section 11170(d) (see below), the California Department of Justice (DOJ) shall make Child Abuse Central Index (CACI) information available to out-of-state law enforcement agencies conducting investigations of known or suspected child abuse or neglect under the following conditions:
Fax the request to the Department of Justice at (916) 227-5037, or mail your request to:
Department of Justice
Bureau of Criminal Information & Analysis
Child Abuse Central Index
Attention: CACI Response Unit
P.O. Box 903387
Sacramento, CA 94203-3870
California Penal Code section 11170
(d) The department shall make available any information maintained pursuant to subdivision (a) to out-of-state law enforcement agencies conducting investigations of known or suspected child abuse or neglect only when an agency makes the request for information in writing and on official letterhead, or as designated by the department, identifying the suspected abuser or victim by name and date of birth or approximate age. The request shall be signed by the department supervisor of the requesting law enforcement agency. The written requests shall cite the out-of-state statute or interstate compact provision that requires that the information contained within these reports shall be disclosed only to law enforcement, prosecutorial entities, or multidisciplinary investigative teams, and shall cite the criminal penalties for unlawful disclosure of any confidential information provided by the requesting state or the applicable interstate compact provision. In the absence of a specified out-of-state statute or interstate compact provision that requires that the information contained within these reports shall be disclosed only to law enforcement, prosecutorial entities, or multidisciplinary investigative teams, and criminal penalties equivalent to the penalties in California for unlawful disclosure, access shall be denied.