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The Budget Act of 2021 makes available a total of $10 million to be awarded by the California Department of Justice (Department) to support eligible local law enforcement agencies in conducting activities related to the seizure of weapons and ammunition from persons who are prohibited from possessing them, including efforts based upon entries in the Department’s Armed Prohibited Persons System (APPS)1.
1. Armed Prohibited Persons System means the Prohibited Armed Persons File described in Section 30000 of the Penal Code. ↩Any county sheriff’s department within the State of California that conducts activities related to the seizure of weapons and ammunition from persons who are prohibited from possessing them is eligible to receive funds.
Priority shall be given for the following:
The amount of funds awarded to an applicant shall be commensurate with the scope of the applicant’s proposal.
The APPS database contains information on firearms purchased or registered in California and the owners of those firearms. Consistent with legislative mandates, the database is the result of records and information originating from Dealer Records of Sale (DROS) (firearms purchases/transfers through a California firearm dealer), various firearm ownership self-reporting forms, and assault weapon registrations. Combined, those records represent all individuals who purchased or transferred firearms legally within California and all known firearms associated with those individuals. Individuals are moved to the Armed and Prohibited File within the APPS database when they have subsequently become prohibited.
Armed and prohibited individuals, while the primary focus of the DOJ’s enforcement efforts, are a subset representing less than one percent of the APPS database. As of January 1, 2022, there were 3,199,394 known firearm owners in APPS, of which 24,509 are prohibited from owning firearms. The Department encourages applicants to consider innovative strategies to reduce the amount of armed and prohibited subjects in their areas of responsibility.
The Department provides the following sample goals and objectives to help guide applicants and provide ideas upon which to build. Applicants may incorporate goals and objectives to help solve local problems, specifically. The Department also encourages applicants to develop their own strategies for addressing local issues pertaining to APPS individuals. Other resources applicants may find helpful include the California Department of Justice, BOF website;
County Sheriff’s Departments within the State of California.
A total of $10 million is available to be awarded through a competitive process to eligible local law enforcement entities in two grant cycles.
Each grantee shall, by no later than the February 1 immediately following each calendar year in which grant funds were used, report to the Department, in a format prescribed by the Department all of the following information for the immediately preceding calendar year:
The prescribed reporting template can be found at:
This RFP has been extended: Eligible agencies must submit a completed proposal, and supporting documentation, to the Department by September 16, 2022. Only electronic (email) submissions will be accepted, and must be submitted to the following email address:
Email submissions must be received by 11:59 p.m. on the due date noted above. The subject line for email submissions must include the following information:
Proposals received after the deadline shall not be eligible for consideration. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the proposal is received by the specified deadline. The Department will not be responsible for late delivery of a proposal due to mistakes or delays of the applicant or the electronic mail service used by the applicant.
The Department will not notify applicants regarding omissions or accept any late additions to the proposals. All proposals will be rated solely on the timely-submitted content.
A grant proposal must include the following:
Incomplete grant proposals will be disqualified and not reviewed by the Merits Review Committee.
To learn more about the Gun Violence Reduction Program, or to obtain a copy of the Request for Proposals and view related informational documents, please see below.
Request for Proposal, pdf
(Applications must be received by Friday, September 2, 2022. Includes general information, instructions on preparing a proposal, and answers to frequently asked questions.)
Grantee Handbook, pdf
(Contains further instructions regarding Request for Proposals.)
Grant Proposal Application Template, pdf
(Fill-in form required for all applications. Please download the template to view the fillable PDF version. You may be required to use a current version of the Adobe Reader software to use the fillable template.)
Government Agency Taxpayer ID Form, pdf
(Fill-in form required for all applications. Please download the template to view the fillable PDF version. You may be required to use a current version of the Adobe Reader software to use the fillable template. Include contact information for agency’s Fiscal Officer or individual who should receive check, if awarded.)
Budget Detail Sheet, xlsx
(Fill-in form required for all applications. Please download the template to view Excel version.)
Proposal Checklist, pdf
(This checklist is offered as a tool for agencies who intend to submit an application; and should not be submitted with the application package.)
Questions regarding the application process may be directed to the Department at
A link to the list of awardees for each cycle is provided below:
Gun Violence Reduction Program 2022-2023 Awardees, pdf
Gun Violence Reduction Program 2021-2022 Awardees, pdf