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SACRAMENTO – California Attorney General Xavier Becerra today announced that more than 648,000 Dreamers have been able to renew their Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) protections since California secured a preliminary injunction in January 2018. In the two years that have passed since the Trump Administration’s efforts to rescind DACA were blocked nationwide, nearly all current DACA recipients have been able to renew their protections. The data on DACA renewals is published as part of a quarterly report federal immigration authorities are required to file because of the preliminary injunction.
“DACA is an American success story; Dreamers are teachers, healthcare providers, neighbors, leaders, and so much more,” said Attorney General Becerra. “Their heart and tenacity in the face of a concerted effort to rip them from the only home they know is an inspiration. But, it will take all of us working together in our communities and our courts to win the day.”
Federal immigration authorities are required to report quarterly data on the number of DACA applications that have been renewed or are awaiting a decision. With a renewal, DACA recipients receive temporary relief from removal and can apply for permission to work in the United States for another two years. There were approximately 74,000 renewals in the most recent quarter, bringing the total to 648,460 renewals approved since January 2018. More than a quarter of DACA recipients, 184,880, live in California alone.
DACA provides protection to people who were brought to this country as children and have passed a background check. Dreamers come from almost every country in the world, but many have never known any home other than the United States. They contribute to our economies, our communities, our schools, and more. It is estimated that ending DACA would result in an up to $460.3 billion loss to the American economy over the next decade. That is partly why healthcare professionals, police officers, major companies, and people across sectors from all over the country have stood up in court to defend DACA.
Attorney General Becerra has been a stalwart defender of DACA and he is committed to fighting for the rights of immigrants in California and across the country. In November 2019, Attorney General Becerra led a coalition of 21 attorneys general in defending DACA before the U.S. Supreme Court. Late last year, he led a multistate effort to protect the rights of individuals seeking asylum in the United States. Attorney General Becerra also led a multistate lawsuit challenging the Trump Administration’s attempt to circumvent the Flores Settlement Agreement, which provides critical protections for children in immigration custody.
The most recent renewal statistics are available here. More information on Attorney General Becerra’s efforts to protect Dreamers is available here.