Judgment Date:
Settlement reported to AG:
Case Name:
AYS v. Brion Herbs, et al
Court Name:
San Francisco Superior Court
Brion Herbs Corporation
Sun Ten Laboratories
Injunctive Relief:
Clear and Reasonable Warnings
*Non-Contingent Civil Penalty:
$ 5,000.00
Attorney(s) Fees and Costs:
$ 140,000.00
Payment in Lieu of Penalty:
$ 200,000.00 (To As You Sow with $100,000 to be distributed to California non-profits and the remainder to further the efforts of As You Sow)
Total Payments:
$ 345,000.00
Is Judgment Pursuant to Settlement?
Contact Organization:
Law Office of Andrew L. Packard
City, State, Zip:
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone Number:
(415) 431-2970
Fax Number:
(415) 431-0410