Attorney General Letters

These are letters the Office of the Attorney General has sent on Proposition 65 issues that have arisen over the years. In addition, AB 1583, which takes effect January 1, 2018, requires the Attorney General's Office to send a letter to the noticing party and alleged violator if, after reviewing the factual information attached to the Attorney General's copy of a certificate of merit and meeting and conferring with the noticing party, the Attorney General believes there is no merit to the action. (Health & Saf. Code, § 25249.7, subd. (e)(1)(A).) AB 1583 letters will be posted here along with other letters from the Office of the Attorney General concerning Proposition 65.

The fact that the Attorney General has not sent a letter pursuant to AB 1583 shall not be construed as an endorsement by the Attorney General of the merit of the action. (Health &smp; Saf. Code, § 25249.7, subd. (e)(1)(B).)