Noticing Party:
Keep America Safe and Beautiful
Alleged Violators:
David Rio Coffee & Tea, Inc.
60-Day Notice Document
Civil Complaint
Case Name:
KASB v. David Rio Coffee & Tea, Inc.
Court Name:
Los Angeles County Superior Court
Keep America Safe and Beautiful
David Rio Coffee & Tea, Inc.
Relief Sought:
Civil Penalty
Injunctive Relief
Settlement Date:
Case Name:
KASV v. David Rio Coffee & Tea, Inc.
Court Name:
Los Angeles County Superior Court
Keep America Safe and Beautiful
David Rio Coffee & Tea, Inc.
Injunctive Relief:
Beginning on the Effective Date, DAVID RIO agrees to discontinue manufacturing, distributing or selling the Covered Products. Any claim as to Covered Products that are no longer under the control or possession of DAVID RIO prior to the Effective Date are released in this Consent Judgment.
*Non-Contingent Civil Penalty:
$ 4,000.00
Attorney(s) Fees and Costs:
$ 36,000.00
Payment in Lieu of Penalty:
$ 0.00
Total Payments:
$ 40,000.00
Will settlement be submitted to court?
230 N Maryland Avenue, Suite 306
City, State, Zip:
Glendale, CA 91206
Phone Number:
(818) 507-8525
Fax Number:
(818) 507-8588
* A non-contingent civil penalty is the civil penalty that must be paid pursuant to the settlement, regardless of future events or actions of the defendant. If a settlement includes a contingent penalty, the plaintiff should report the additional penalty amount when it becomes due.