Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System

Important Notice:
CURES system maintenance will be performed
  • Saturday October 19th, 2024 from 4:30 AM to 7:00 PM.
During this time, CURES will be completely unavailable.
CURES logo

New Data Submission Format on August 1, 2024

Beginning August 1, 2024, dispensers are required to report dispensations to the Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) using version 4.2B of the American Society for Automation in Pharmacy (ASAP) format. Previously, California dispensation data was reported using the ASAP version 4.1 format. This format change improves data quality by offering more data fields and clarifying certain other data fields. Starting on August 1, 2024, dispensation data submissions that do not conform to the requirements of the ASAP version 4.2B format will be rejected by Bamboo Health, the data collection vendor for CURES.

Detailed information about the reporting changes required by California in the ASAP version 4.2B format is available here: Description of ASAP 4.2B Changes. A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) is available here: ASAP 4.2B FAQs.

The updated 4.2B Data Submission Guide for Dispensers is available on the data collection vendor’s website. Please see the document titled “ASAP 4.2B Data Submission Guide for Dispensers (Effective 8/1/2024)” on the Bamboo Health PMP Clearinghouse Support Center website at: CA CURES Submitters – PMP Clearinghouse Support Center.

Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System

California’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

CURES (Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System) is a database of Schedule II, Schedule III, Schedule IV and Schedule V controlled substance prescriptions dispensed in California serving the public health, regulatory oversight agencies, and law enforcement. CURES is committed to the reduction of prescription drug abuse and diversion without affecting legitimate medical practice or patient care.

The operation of CURES complies with all applicable federal and state privacy and security laws and regulations. The controlled substances dispensation history of an individual that is received by a practitioner or pharmacist from CURES is subject to the Confidentiality of Medical Information Act and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), including the HIPAA regulations in 45 Code of Federal Regulations parts 160 and 164.

Access to CURES is strictly limited. Licensed health care practitioners and licensed pharmacists may access information in CURES only for patients under their care. Regulatory agency officials and law enforcement officials may access information in CURES only to assist the efforts of their agencies to control the diversion and resultant abuse of controlled substances.

CURES Registration Requirements

California law (Health and Safety Code Section 11165.1) requires all California licensed health care practitioners authorized to prescribe Schedule II, Schedule III, Schedule IV and Schedule V controlled substances to register for access to CURES upon issuance of a Drug Enforcement Administration Controlled Substance Registration Certificate. California licensed pharmacists must register for access to CURES upon issuance of a Board of Pharmacy Pharmacist License.

Prescriber and Pharmacist registration to access CURES is simple and fully automated. Prescribers and Pharmacists can register by accessing the CURES User Registration.

CURES Mandatory Consultation

Section 11165.4 of the Health and Safety Code, sets forth the requirements for mandatory consultation of CURES. Please refer to your respective state licensing board for additional information regarding the CURES consultation requirement.

Instructional Videos

Step-by-step instructional videos for the Patient Activity Report (PAR) and Password Reset processes can be found on the Training and Publications page.

Requirements for Delegate Functionality

The optimized CURES includes expanded Delegate functionality, which allows Delegates to directly access data in CURES.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has created a Quick Reference Guide that details how to establish and activate a Delegate in the optimized CURES, along with questions and answers. For detailed information view the Quick Reference Guide.

DOJ has also created two sample Delegate Agreements. The first sample Delegate Agreement demonstrates an agreement between one Authorizing User and one Delegate. The second sample Delegate Agreement demonstrates an agreement between one Authorizing User and multiple Delegates.

Detailed information concerning Delegate eligibility and Delegate Agreement requirements are described in DOJ’s October 14, 2022, bulletin entitled, New Features and Requirements for Expanded Delegate Access.

Controlled Substance Data Reporting

California Health & Safety Code section 11165(d) requires that for each prescription for a Schedule II, Schedule III, Schedule IV, or Schedule V controlled substance, as defined in the controlled substances schedules in federal law and regulations, the dispensing pharmacy, clinic, or other dispenser shall report specified dispensing information to the Department of Justice or contracted prescription data processing vendor as soon as reasonably possible, but not more than one working day after the date a controlled substance is released to the patient or patient’s representative. Additionally, California Health & Safety Code section 11165(i) states veterinarians shall report dispensation information as soon as reasonably possible, but not more than seven days after the date a controlled substance is dispensed. Furthermore, California Health & Safety Code section 11190(c) requires that for each Schedule II, Schedule III, and Schedule IV controlled substance, as defined in California Health & Safety Code section 11007, dispensed by a prescriber pursuant to Section 4170 of the Business and Professions Code, the dispensing prescriber shall report to the Department of Justice the information required by subdivision (c) on a weekly basis. Currently, only the ASAP 2020 Version 4.2B format is accepted.

All reporting must be made through the PMP Clearinghouse. If you do not currently have an account with PMP Clearinghouse, you can register using the Create an Account link provided at: PMP Clearinghouse. Comprehensive information about PMP Clearinghouse and data submission can be found through the following resource:

For information on how to submit controlled substance prescription data or data corrections, pharmacies and direct dispensers may contact Bamboo Health by phone at (855) 502-0999.

Research Requests

In accordance with California Health & Safety Code section 11165(c)(2)(A) the California Department of Justice (CA DOJ) may provide CURES data to public or private entities, as approved by the CA DOJ, for educational, peer review, statistical, or research purposes, provided that the patient information, including any information that may identify the patient, is not compromised.

To request CURES data for any of the above listed purposes, or for additional information about the data request process, you can go to the Research Center “Data Request Process” website at


Obtain Security Prescription Forms

California law requires that any written prescription for a Schedule II, Schedule III, Schedule IV, and Schedule V controlled substance be issued on a tamper-resistant prescription form ordered from a state-approved security printer. To order tamper-resistant prescription forms, please refer to the Approved List of Security Prescription Printers for vendors authorized by the California Department of Justice and the vendor’s contact information.

Report Lost or Stolen Prescription Forms

Reports of lost or stolen prescription forms or pads should be reported to local law enforcement and must be reported to CURES. Prescribers can electronically report their lost or stolen prescription forms or pads online when logged into their CURES account and should include the law enforcement agency report number when submitting a report of lost or stolen prescription forms to CURES.

For questions concerning how to report lost or stolen prescription pads or forms, please contact the Security Prescription Printer Program at