Settlement Date:
Case Name:
Larry Lee v., Inc.
Court Name:
Alameda County Superior Court
Plaintiff Attorney:
Rachel Doughty
Jessica Blome
Jonathan Weissglass
Injunctive Relief:
Amazon must prevent sales of skin whitening, brightening, and lightening products in California (online and at physical locations) that contain mercury above what the FDA allows (1ppm generally, 65 ppm for preparations used near eyes) (“Prohibited Covered Product”). Amazon will use a Product Consultant to assist in this task.
Sellers wanting to offer skin lightening products not on an Amazon pre-approved brands list will have to demonstrate safety of the product, California Attorney General will oversee the rigor of that demonstration.
If in the future Prohibited Covered Products show up on
• Amazon will notify California consumers who already purchased the product that the product contains mercury and is a reproductive toxin, tell them how to properly dispose of the product, and refund them for the purchase.
• Amazon will pay a penalty for each unit sold into California--$150/unit where it knew about the mercury content ahead of time and $35/unit where it did not.
• Amazon will be considered to know about the mercury content of products on a prohibited list, if the EU through RAPEX, Cal. Dept. of Public Health or the US FDA has issued a public health alert; if test results have been provided by the private enforcers, California Attorney General, Black Women for Wellness, Mercury Policy Project, or any agency, department or entity of the US or any state government; if the product has a Proposition 65 warning for mercury; or if mercury is listed as an ingredient on
*Non-Contingent Civil Penalty:
$ 752,360.00
Attorney(s) Fees and Costs:
$ 4,778,942.00
Payment in Lieu of Penalty:
$ 656,200.00 (For Future Monitoring and Public Education:
$65,000 to the Attorney General for future monitoring costs
$150,000 to As You Sow for future monitoring costs
$150,000 to Black Women for Wellness for public education
$150,000 to Mercury Policy Project for public education
For Resolution of Claims for Civil Penalties Under Sherman Food, Drug and Cosmetic Law:
$141,200 to the Attorney General )
Total Payments:
$ 6,187,502.00
Will settlement be submitted to court?
City, State, Zip:
Berkeley, CA 94703
Phone Number: