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The Attorney General’s Opinion Unit is responsible for researching and drafting the formal opinions of the Attorney General. This Monthly Opinion Report lists all of the questions that are currently under consideration for formal opinions.
The Attorney General welcomes and solicits the views of all interested persons concerning the issues raised in any question submitted for an opinion. Views should be in writing and directed to the deputy assigned to prepare the opinion. Please follow the instructions under How to Submit Views on Assigned Opinion Requests in the right side bar menu. All views submitted before publication will be considered, but early submissions are greatly preferred. All submissions will be treated as public records subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act.
By law, the Attorney General is authorized to issue formal opinions only to certain public officials. Please see our FAQs page for more information about how to request an opinion.
Opinion No. | Question(s) Presented | Conclusion(s) | Issued |
24-803 |
May a general law city that has expanded its city council from five to seven members establish a seven-member municipal library board of trustees to permit all members of the city council to serve on that board, instead of a five-member board as specified in Education Code section 18910? |
No. A general law city that has expanded its city council from five to seven members may not establish a seven-member municipal library board of trustees because Education Code section 18910 specifies that such a board consists of five members, and neither that statute nor any other statute or applicable authority provides an exception. |
02/13/2025 |
Opinion No. | Question(s) | Assigned To |
24-1102 |
May a concealed carry weapon (CCW) permit be denied under Penal Code section 26202(a)(8), which disqualifies CCW permit applicants who are “currently abusing controlled substances,” based on an applicant’s otherwise lawful use of marijuana under California law? Notify me when Opinion No. 24-1102 is issued |
Bidart |
24-1101 |
Do the exemptions from local building and zoning ordinances set forth in Government Code section 53091, subdivisions (d) and (e), apply to all California public water systems, including independent water companies? Notify me when Opinion No. 24-1101 is issued |
Duncan Lee |
24-902 |
Are claw machines illegal gambling devices under the Penal Code? Notify me when Opinion No. 24-902 is issued |
Kentfield |
24-702 |
May the same individual serve simultaneously on the Board of Commissioners for the White Mountain Fire Protection District and the Board of Directors for the Tri Valley Groundwater Management District?” Notify me when Opinion No. 24-702 is issued |
McCarroll |
24-502 |
Does Public Utilities Code section 11865 require an appointed district board member to step down between the date of the general election following their appointment and the date that the secretary of the district certifies the election results? Notify me when Opinion No. 24-502 is issued |
Medeiros |
24-501 |
Does the State Density Bonus Law (Government Code sections 65915-65918) allow a local government to impose local affordable housing requirements on the entire number of residential units proposed in a project—that is, including those units resulting from a density bonus under the state law? Notify me when Opinion No. 24-501 is issued |
Bidart |
24-405 |
Has the United States acquired legislative jurisdiction at San Clemente Island, Los Angeles County, pursuant to Chapter 56, Statutes of 1897? Notify me when Opinion No. 24-405 is issued |
McCarroll |
24-404 |
Does the California Citizens Compensation Commission have the authority to adjust the base pay of the members of the State Board of Equalization in light of the reduction in their duties, powers and responsibilities following passage of Assembly Bill 102, The Taxpayer Transparency and Fairness Act of 2017? Notify me when Opinion No. 24-404 is issued |
Duncan Lee |
24-403 |
May federally recognized Indian tribes which are located exclusively within the exterior boundaries of the State of California and who have adopted laws that impose comprehensive requirements substantially comparable to the California Cannabis Regulatory Framework lawfully conduct intrastate commercial cannabis activity solely within the State of California with California state cannabis licensees without obtaining such a license themselves? Notify me when Opinion No. 24-403 is issued |
Thomas |
24-102 |
Is Madera County’s Regional Water Management Group subject to the Brown Act? Notify me when Opinion No. 24-102 is issued |
Thomas |
23-1001 |
Does California law prohibit the offering and operation of daily fantasy sports betting platforms with players physically located within the State of California, regardless of whether the operators and associated technology are located within or outside of the State? Notify me when Opinion No. 23-1001 is issued |
Kentfield |
23-701 |
Does the California Office of Tax Appeals have the legal authority and jurisdiction to issue a written opinion declaring a provision in the California Code of Regulations, which was promulgated by a different state agency and approved by the Office of Administrative Law, to be invalid and refuse to enforce the regulation on that basis? Notify me when Opinion No. 23-701 is issued |
Kentfield |
23-601 |
1. May the California State Teacher’s Retirement System (CalSTRS) assess a penalty against a county office of education (COE) for errors in the CalSTRS reporting and contributions of a charter school that operates within the county and submits its CalSTRS payments through the COE? 2. If so, how may the COE defend against an assessment it believes to be incorrect? 3. Could CalSTRS issue a warrant that would allow the COE to withdraw funds directly from an agency that provides its CalSTRS reporting and contributions through the COE if that agency refuses to submit its penalty assessments to the COE voluntarily? Notify me when Opinion No. 23-601 is issued |
Medeiros |
Opinion No. | Question(s) | Assigned To |
25-101 |
Has Rene Boisvert, or the entity known as Taking It To The Streets, LLC, usurped, intruded into, or unlawfully held or exercised a franchise within the State of California? Notify me when Opinion No. 25-101 is issued |
Bidart |
24-1002 |
Was Mark Skvarna validly appointed to the office of Montebello Unified School District Superintendent? Notify me when Opinion No. 24-1002 is issued |
McCarroll |
24-802 |
May the San Diego Police Officers Association challenge the validity of a provision of the Proposition B initiative measure that the Association alleges to have unlawfully affected the pension benefits of some of its members? Notify me when Opinion No. 24-802 is issued |
Kentfield |