60 Day Notice 2002-00182

AG Number: 
Date Filed: 
Noticing Party: 
The McKenzie Group
Plaintiff Attorney: 
Anthony Graham
Alleged Violators: 
Golden Door Apa
Barnabey's Hotel
Double Tree Anaheim
Carmel Valley Ranch Luxury Resort
Pruneyard Inn
US Grant Hotel
Del Mar Hilton
Holiday Inn
Ramada Inn
Radisson Plaza Hotel
Sierra Suites (Pleasanton and San Jose)
Summerfield Suites (Belmont, Chatsworth, El Segundo, Pleasanton, San Bruno, San Jose, Sunnyvale, Torrance, West Hollywood)
Wyndham Hotel (Orange County, Culver City, LAX, Monrovia, Pleasanton, Marin County, Commerce)
Wyndham Palm Springs Hotel
Wyndham Palm Springs Hotel
Wyndham Emerald Plaza Hotel
Wyndham Hotel North San Diego
Pickwick Wyndham Hotel
Wyndham Hotel San Jose
Wyndham Hotel Sunnyvale
Wyndham Bel Age Hotel
Tobacco smoke
various hotel premise violations

60-Day Notice Document