60 Day Notice 2002-01815

AG Number: 
Date Filed: 
Noticing Party: 
The McKenzie Group
Alleged Violators: 
Hotel Facilities (please reference AG2002-01816 through AG2002-02021)
Tobacco smoke (primary)
Amendment to AG2002-01816 through AG2002-02021 1. Additional exposure to Tobacco Smoke; 2. Asbestos; 3. Power Tools; 4. Glassware and tableware; 5. Electronic Equipment including computer housing, keyboards, etc. 6. Dry cleaning chemicals; 7. Match smoke; 8. Exposure to gas and wood combustion; 9. Floor stippers, polishes, drain cleaners and detergents; 10. Paints and solvents; and 11. Crystal glasses and dishes.
This is an amendment to notices AG2002-01816 through AG2002-02021. In addition, a Supplemental to 60-Day Notices dated September 9, 2003 was received which is to inform Violators and their counsel that the 'supporting documents' called for by the regulations promulgated under Proposition 65 have been served upon the Office of the Attorney General as of the date hereof.

60-Day Notice Document