Settlement Date:
Case Name:
Brimer v. NBC Universal, Inc. (and its divisions)
Court Name:
San Francisco Superior Court
Plaintiff Attorney:
Laralei S. Paras
Daniel Bornstein
NBC Universal, Inc. (and its divisions and subsid)
Injunctive Relief:
Prospective relief: reformulation and warnings
*Non-Contingent Civil Penalty:
$ 11,000.00
Attorney(s) Fees and Costs:
$ 23,000.00
Payment in Lieu of Penalty:
$ 5,000.00 (Settlement Costs to Morrison & Foerster)
Total Payments:
$ 39,000.00
Will settlement be submitted to court?
2560 Ninth Street, Parker Plaza, Suite 214
City, State, Zip:
Berkeley, CA 94710
Phone Number:
(510) 848-8880
Fax Number:
(510) 848-8118