Judgment Date:
Settlement reported to AG:
Case Name:
Environmental Research Center v. Genesis Today
Court Name:
Orange County Superior Court
Environmental Research Center, Inc.
Injunctive Relief:
When the maximum daily dose recommended on the label exceeds 0.5 micrograms of lead, the covered products must have a warning; warning protocol; formula for calculating lead exposure; and testing protocol
*Non-Contingent Civil Penalty:
$ 49,204.00
Attorney(s) Fees and Costs:
$ 41,587.00
Payment in Lieu of Penalty:
$ 49,209.00 (Total payment of $140,000, of which $105,000 is to be paid within 10 days of the effective date. The remaining amount, $35,000, shall be paid within 70 days of the Effective Date. Of the $41,587 in attorney's fees and costs, $22,907 is distributed to ERC as reimbursement for its reasonable costs associated with this action and $18,680 is attorney's fees and costs)
Total Payments:
$ 140,000.00
Is Judgment Pursuant to Settlement?
24422 Avenida de la Carlota, Suite 400
City, State, Zip:
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Phone Number:
(949) 452-1234