Settlement Date:
Case Name:
Environmental Research Center v Bell Lifestyle Products
Environmental Research Center, Inc.
Bell Lifestyle Products, Inc.
Injunctive Relief:
warning or reformulation, testing
*Non-Contingent Civil Penalty:
$ 18,930.00
Attorney(s) Fees and Costs:
$ 27,663.00
Payment in Lieu of Penalty:
$ 28,407.00 (Of the total of $27,663.33 in Attorneys fees and Costs, $1,985.95 shall be reimbursement for ERC's costs incurred as a result in bringing the matter. $13,500.00 shall be considered reimbursement for attorney fees for Lozeau Drury, LLP while $12,177.38 shall be considered reimbursement for ERC's in-house legal fees. )
Total Payments:
$ 75,000.00
Will settlement be submitted to court?
410 12th Street, Suite 250
City, State, Zip:
Oakland, CA 94607
Phone Number: