Settlement Date:
Environmental Research Center, Inc.
Plaintiff Attorney:
Ryan Hoffman
Michael Freund
RCBA Nutraceuticals, LLC dba Ronnie Coleman Signature Series
Injunctive Relief:
RCBA shall not manufacture for sale in California, distribute into California, or directly sell into California any of the products named in ERC's August 29, 2014 Notice of Violation for which the maximum dose recommended on the label contains more than 0.5 micrograms of lead, unless each individual unit of product bears a warning complying with Proposition 65 as described in the settlement agreement.
*Non-Contingent Civil Penalty:
$ 7,340.00
Attorney(s) Fees and Costs:
$ 14,151.00
Payment in Lieu of Penalty:
$ 13,009.00 ($718.92 for ERC's costs, $1,170.00 in attorney fees for Michael Freund, $2,812.50 in attorney fees for Ryan Hoffman, and $9,449.91 for ERC's in-house legal fees.)
Total Payments:
$ 34,500.00
Will settlement be submitted to court?
Contact Organization:
Michael Freund & Associates
1919 Addison Street, Suite 105
City, State, Zip:
Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone Number:
(510) 540-1992