60 Day Notice 2017-00090

AG Number: 
Notice PDF: 
Date Filed: 
Noticing Party: 
Center for Advanced Public Awareness, Inc. ("CAPA")
Plaintiff Attorney: 
Aqua Terra Aeris Law Group
Alleged Violators: 
NC3 Systems, Inc., doing business as Caliva
Marijuana smoke
Marijuana Flowers, Buds and Pre-rolled marijuana products

60-Day Notice Document

AG Number:
Settlement PDF: 
Settlement Date:
Case Name: 
CAPA v NC3 Systems, Inc. dba Caliva
Court Name: 
Santa Clara County Superior Court
Court Docket Number: 
Center for Advanced Public Awareness, Inc.
Plaintiff Attorney: 
Aqua Terra Aeris Law Group
NC3 Systems, Inc., dba Caliva
Injunctive Relief: 
*Non-Contingent Civil Penalty:
$ 10,000.00
Attorney(s) Fees and Costs:
$ 32,501.00
Payment in Lieu of Penalty:
$ 7,499.00  ($7,499 shall be distributed to CAPA as an Additional Settlement Payment (“ASP”), pursuant to California Code of Regulations, title 27, sections 3203, subdivision (d), and 3204. CAPA will utilize the ASP for activities that address the same public harm as allegedly caused by CALIVA in this matter. These activities are detailed below and support CAPA’s overarching goal of reducing use, misuse, and exposure to hazardous and toxic chemicals, fostering and increasing the public awareness of chemicals inherent in consumer products, facilitating a safe environment for consumers and employees, and encouraging corporate responsibility. CAPA’s activities have had, and will continue to have, a direct and primary effect within the State of California because California consumers will be benefitted by the reduction of exposure to marijuana smoke and increase informed choices made by patients and consumers before exposure by providing clear and reasonable warnings to California consumers prior to exposure resulting from purchase of the products. CAPA hereby provides the following list of activities CAPA engages in to protect California consumers through Proposition 65 citizen enforcement, along with a breakdown of how ASP funds will be utilized to facilitate those activities: (1) ENFORCEMENT (70%-80%): investigating, obtaining, shipping, analyzing, and/or testing dispensaries or products that may contain carcinogenic chemicals contained in marijuana smoke and are sold to and expose California consumers to chemicals listed under Proposition 65; continued monitoring and enforcement of past consent judgments and settlements to ensure companies are in compliance with their obligations thereunder, with a specific focus on those judgments and settlements concerning chemicals of concern (which necessarily includes additional work, investigating, purchasing, processing, analyzing and/or testing consumer products; litigating matters that result in settlements, judgments, defaults, bankruptcies, or dismissals); (2) PUBLIC OUTREACH (5%-10%): public outreach programs including maintaining CAPA’s blog, website, and social media accounts; (3) SPECIAL PROJECTS (up to 5%): projects including obtaining expert and legal opinions not specific to any one case that are necessary to the continued private enforcement of Proposition 65; and/or (4) PRODUCT DATABASE (up to 5%): maintaining a database with all products sold to California consumers that CAPA has obtained which could cause an exposure to marijuana smoke or other toxic, carcinogenic or reproductive harms. CAPA will maintain adequate records to document that the funds paid as an ASP are spent on the activities described herein. CAPA shall provide the Attorney General, within thirty days of any request, copies of documentation demonstrating how such funds have been spent. )
Total Payments:
$ 50,000.00
Will settlement be submitted to court?
Contact Name: 
Matthew C. Maclear
Contact Organization: 
Aqua Terra Aeris Law Group
Email Address:
490 43rd Street, Ste 108
City, State, Zip:
Oakland, CA 94609
Phone Number:
(415) 568-5200

* A non-contingent civil penalty is the civil penalty that must be paid pursuant to the settlement, regardless of future events or actions of the defendant. If a settlement includes a contingent penalty, the plaintiff should report the additional penalty amount when it becomes due.