Case Name:
EHA, Inc. v Leafly Holdings, Inc.
Court Name:
Alameda County Superior Court
Environmental Health Advocates, Inc.
Injunctive Relief:
Commencing sixty (60) days after the Effective Date (the “Compliance Date”), and continuing
thereafter, Leafly agrees to engage in online sales into California of Covered Products only with a clear
and reasonable warning as provided for in Section 2.2. For purposes of this Consent Judgment, a clear and reasonable warning shall consist of one of
the alternate forms of warning shown below, displayed with such conspicuousness, as compared with
other words, statements, designs, or devices as to render it likely to be seen, read, and understood by
an ordinary individual under customary conditions prior to completing an online purchase. The
warning shall include a symbol consisting of a black exclamation point in a yellow equilateral triangle
with a bold black outline For Covered Products sold online to customers located in California, the warning requirements of this Section shall be satisfied if the foregoing warning appears: (a) on the same web page on which a Covered Product is displayed and/or described; (b) on the same page as the price for the Covered Product; or (c) on one or more web pages displayed to a purchaser prior to completing an online
purchase. Alternatively, a symbol consisting of a black exclamation point in a yellow or white
equilateral triangle may appear adjacent to or immediately following the display, description, price, or
checkout listing of the Covered Product, if the warning statement appears elsewhere on the same web
page in a manner that clearly associates it with the product(s) to which the warning applies. The injunctive requirements of Section 2 shall not apply to Covered Products that are already
in the stream of commerce as of the Compliance Date, which Covered Products are expressly subject
to the releases provided in Section 4.