Injunctive Relief:
After As You Sow sent its Notices of Violation, General Mills reformulated its Total Whole Grain and Total Raisin Bran Cereal products to reduce the amount of calcium in the product from 100% of the recommended daily value to 2% of the recommended daily value, thereby addressing the claims in the Notices of Violation. Pursuant to the settlement agreement, if General Mills reformulates either product again in the future to include 50% or more of the daily recommended value of calcium, it must: (a) notify As You Sow no less than 60 days prior to introducing the reformulated product for distribution or sale in California, and (b) meet a limit of no more than 0.5 micrograms of lead per 30 grams of the reformulated product as determined, as determined by specific testing protocols identified in the settlement agreement. If testing reveals that either product contains more than 0.5 micrograms of lead per 30 grams of the reformulated product, the settlement agreement and its release shall no longer have effect.