Judgment Date:
Settlement reported to AG:
Court Name:
Los Angeles County Superior Court
Consumer Advocacy Group, Inc.
Plaintiff Attorney:
Yeroushalmi & Yeroushalmi
Injunctive Relief:
Defendant shall not sell, offer for sale in California, or ship for sale in California any Covered Products unless the level of DINP in the Covered Products does not exceed more than 0.1% (1,000 parts per million) by weight.
*Non-Contingent Civil Penalty:
$ 14,292.00
Attorney(s) Fees and Costs:
$ 105,000.00
Payment in Lieu of Penalty:
$ 10,708.00 (CAG will use the payment in lieu of the civil penalties for such projects and purposes related to environmental protection, worker health and safety, or reduction of human exposure to hazardous substances. )
Total Payments:
$ 130,000.00
Is Judgment Pursuant to Settlement?
Contact Organization:
Yeroushalmi & Yeroushalmi
9100 Wilshire Blvd., Ste 240W
City, State, Zip:
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Phone Number:
(310) 623-1926