Alleged Violators:
Advantage Sales & Marketing Inc. ; Advantage Sales & Marketing LLC; Akami Pacific, LLC; Aleta Wondo Coffee L.L.C.; Allegro Coffee Company ; American Coffee Co., Inc. ; Anjae, Inc. fka Barefoot Coffee Roasters Incorporated ; Apffels Coffee, Inc. ; Applied Food Services, Inc. dba Caffe Sanora; Araban Coffee Co. Inc. ; Arabicadabra Coffee Company LLC; Barefoot Coffee, Inc. ; Barefoot Coffee Roasters; Bay Valley Foods, LLC; Beantrees, Inc. ; Berkeley Coffee and Tea, Inc. dba Uncommon Grounds; Berres Brothers, Inc. ; Berres Brothers Coffee Roasters Inc. ; Bicycle Coffee LLC; Big River Coffee Company, Inc. ; Blind Dog Coffee; Boyer Coffee Company, Inc. ; Buendia Coffee LLC; BYB Brands, Inc. ; Cafe Moto ; Caffe Calabria Coffee Roasting Company, Inc. ; Caffee Enterprises, LLC; Caffe Ibis, Inc. ; Cameron's Coffee and Distribution Company ; Carl Landman Co., Inc. ; Carmel Roasters Inc. ; Cascade Coffee, Inc. ; Central Coast Coffee Roasting Company, Inc. ; Churchill Coffee Company, L.L.C. ; CityKid Java Limited ; Clean Foods Inc. ; Coast Roast Coffee; The Coca Cola Company ; Coffee Bean International, Inc. ; Coffees of Hawaii, LLC; Coffees of Molokai, Inc. ; Coffee.Org Inc. ; Coffee Roasters of Arizona, Inc. ; Comfort Foods, Inc. ; The Coming Home Foods Company ; Community Coffee Company, LLC; Connoisseur Coffee Company ; Continental Mills, Inc. ; Copper Moon Coffee, LLC; D'Aquino Italian Importing Co., Inc. ; Davan Espresso, Inc. ; Dean Foods Company ; De La Paz Coffee; Distant Lands Coffee; Distant Lands, L.L.C.; Distant Lands Trading Co.; Dona Mireya, Inc. dba Jones Coffee Roasters; DPI Specialty Foods, Inc. ; DPI Specialty Foods West, Inc. ; Eagle Coffee Company, Inc. ; Ecco Caffe, Inc. ; EDW.Apffel Company; Eight O'Clock Coffee Company; El Dorado Roasting Company LLC; Equal Exchange, Inc. ; Equator Coffee & Teas, Inc. ; Excellent Coffee Co., Inc. ; Explorer's Bounty, Inc. ; Falcon Trading Company ; Fleming Companies, Inc. ; Fourbarrel Coffee, LLC; Full Circle Compost, Inc. ; George J. Howe Company ; Gold Coffee Roasters; Gold Medal Products Co.; Good Earth Teas, Inc. ; Gourmet Merchants International, Inc. ; Graffeo Coffee Roasting Company, Inc. ; Groundwork Coffee, LLC; Guayaki Sustainable Rainforest Products, Inc. ; Hawaiian Isles Kona Coffee Company, Ltd. ; The Healthy Bean, Inc. ; H.N. Fernandez, Inc. ; Hometown Coffee Company ; How Ya Bean, LLC dba Blind Dog Coffee; H&R Investments, Inc. ; Hui Hololio, Inc. dba Ka 'Lo Farms; Intelligentsia Coffee & Tea Inc. ; Interamcoffee, Inc. ; International Coffee Trading, LLC; Internatural Foods, L.L.C.; James C. Cannell Coffees, Inc. dba Jim's Organic Coffee; Java Trading Co., LLC; Java Trading Co., International; Jayone Foods, Inc. ; JBR, Inc. dba Rogers Family Company ; Jeremiah's Pick Coffee Company ; Joshua's Roasting Company ; Kalani Organica Ltd. ; Kauai Coffee Company, LLC; Kean Coffee, LLC; Kehe Distributors, Inc. ; Kehe Distributors, LLC; Kerry Inc. which will do business in California as Kerry Ingredients, Inc. ; Keurig, Incorporated ; Komatsu Enterprises, Inc. ; Konaloa Coffee Company ; Konaloa Farms; L.A. Libations, LLC; Land O'Lakes, Inc. ; Lavazza Premium Coffees Corporation ; Luberski, Inc. ; Lulu Carpenter's Cafe, Inc. ; M. Block and Sons, Inc. ; Mariposa Coffee Company ; Mark Ferrari Specialty Coffees; Marley Coffee, LLC; Masterpiece Coffee; Mavericks Roasting Co., LLC; Mayorga Coffee, LLC; McLane Company, Inc. ; Millstone Coffee, Inc. ; Moksha Coffee Roasting, LLC; Montana Coffee Traders, Inc. ; Morrison Lamothe Inc. dba The Coming Home Foods Company ; Mother Parkers Tea & Coffee Inc. ; Mountanos Brother Coffee Co.; Muddy Waters Coffee Company, Inc. ; Napa Valley Coffee Roasting Company, Inc. ; Nature's Best; New England Tea & Coffee Co., Inc. ; Newhall Coffee Roasting Company, Inc. ; New Mexico Pinon Company, Inc. ; NFCGC Retail LLC; North Coast Coffee Roasting Company ; North Pole Coffee Roasting, Inc. ; Northbound Coffee Roasters; Northeast Merchandising Corporation dba Northeast Coffee Company; Ola's Coffee, Tea & Equipment Corporation ; Old Soul Company ; Ospina Coffee International Corporation ; Pacific Coffee, Inc. dba Maui Coffee Company ; Paradise Beverages, Inc. ; Peerless Coffee Company, Inc. ; Peerless Coffee Company, Inc. dba Adam's Organic Coffees ; Philz Coffee, Inc. ; Plaza Provision Company ; Portola Handcrafted Coffee Roasters LLC; Powell Coffee, LLC; The Procter & Gamble Company ; Pure Bean, Inc. dba Zona Rosa Coffee; Puroast Coffee Company, Inc. ; Quartermaine Coffee Roasters; Raven's Brew Coffee, Inc. ; Regal Commodities; Reily Foods Company ; Ritual Grounds Coffee Roasting Inc. ; Ritual Coffee Roasters, Inc. ; Roast Coffee Company ; Rockstar, Inc. ; R. Torre & Company, Inc. ; Sacred Grounds Organic Coffee Roasters; Safari Morning Coffee ; Santa Barbara Coffee, LLC dba Green Star Coffee ; Santa Barbara Roasting Company ; Santa Cruz Coffee Roasting Company ; Sarkisian & Associates ; Sarkisian Coffee, Inc. ; S. & D. Coffee, Inc. ; Shaw's Coffee, Ltd. ; Signature Sales and Marketing Inc. ; S.J. McCullough, Inc. ; Snyders-Lance, Inc. ; Southern Wine and Spirits of America, Inc. ; Steelheart Enterprises; Steep & Brew, Inc. ; Sunshine Coffee Roasters ; Surf City Coffee Co., Inc. ; Taylor Maid Farms, LLC; Teeccino Caffe, Inc. ; Temple Coffee ; Thanksgiving Coffee Company, Inc. ; Thomas Acquisition LLC dba Thomas Coffee LLC; Thomas Acquisition LLC dba Thomas Coffee Company LLC; Tieman's Fusion Coffees; Transnational Foods, Inc. ; True Beans Coffee Roasters LLC; T & T Enterprises Inc. ; Uncommon Grounds, Inc. ; United Natural Foods, Inc. ; United Natural Foods West, Inc. ; United Stationers Supply Co. ; Vaneli's, Inc. ; Vasquez Coffee Company ; Verve Coffee Roasters; Verve Pacific Avenue Cafe, LLC dba Verve Coffee Roasters ; Victor Allen's Coffee, LLC; Volcanic Red, LLC; Whitewave Foods Company ; Wild Card Roasters, LLC; Wild Oats Marketing, LLC; Wilton Industries, Inc. ; Zavida Coffee Company Inc.