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Since June 30, 2004, the Attorney General has maintained and published a list of all tobacco product manufacturers and their cigarette or roll-your-own tobacco product brand families that have provided current, timely, and accurate annual certifications and other required information in compliance with section 30165.1 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. This list is called the California Tobacco Directory. All cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco products and their manufacturers must be included on the Tobacco Directory before such products may be lawfully distributed, sold, offered for sale, or possessed for sale in this state. (Rev. & Tax. Code, § 30165.1, subd. (e).) The annual certification and other required forms are available online on our Directory Forms web page.
The California Tobacco Directory was created through the enactment of the California Cigarette and Tobacco Products Licensing Act of 2003 (Assembly Bill 71 [Chapter 890, Statutes 2003] (“the Act”)). The Act seeks to ensure that all tobacco manufacturers, including those who have not joined the Master Settlement Agreement (so called “non-participating manufacturers” or “NPMs”) comply with California’s tobacco laws, including the reserve fund statute (Health & Saf. Code, §§ 104555-104557), the Directory law (Rev. & Tax. Code, § 30165.1), and the licensing laws (Bus. & Prof. Code, § 22970 et seq.). The text of these laws and implementing regulations are available online on our Legislation & Regulations web page.
The Tobacco Directory is not a list of tobacco products lawful for sale under the California flavor ban (Health and Safety Code section 104559.5). The California flavor ban law restricts the retail distribution and sale of flavored tobacco products to California consumers. Under the California flavor ban law, retailers and their agents are subject to fines for the possession and sale of such flavored tobacco products, regardless of whether those products are listed on the Tobacco Directory.
The presence of any tobacco product on the Tobacco Directory does not render such product legal for retail sale under the Health and Safety Code section 104559.5. Rather, the Tobacco Directory operates in addition to any state or local restrictions on the retail sale of flavored tobacco products.
Furthermore, please note that tobacco products commonly known as “little cigars” currently do not have to be listed on the California Tobacco Directory in order to be sold lawfully in California. Be advised that the Attorney General may determine in the future that certain brands of little cigars must be listed on the California Tobacco Directory.
If you have a question about the California Tobacco Directory, please contact us.