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The Racial and Identity Profiling Advisory Board (Board), supported by CRES and OGC, released its eighth annual report on January 1, 2025. The 2025 report contains an analysis of more than 4.7 million police and pedestrian stops conducted in 2023 under the Racial and Identity Profiling Act (RIPA). The report focuses on the policing of youth and examines available research that illustrates police stops and their associated actions have harmful repercussions for youth that reverberate beyond the initial stop itself. Studies show that direct contact with law enforcement is associated with poor educational outcomes, including reduced test scores and lower grade point averages, in addition to other downstream effects like disparities in the criminal legal system as well as in health and economic wellbeing.
The 2025 Report closely examines a wide range of issues related to racial and identity profiling, providing context and research to deepen stakeholders' understanding of the stop data collected under RIPA. Some highlights of the 2025 Report include an examination of disparities in youth interactions with law enforcement, including the use of force and actions taken towards youth, exploration of protocols and guidelines for law enforcement training on racial and identity profiling, a review of law enforcement accountability and reporting under Senate Bill 2, and an examination of RIPA civilian complaints data.
In the Executive Summary, the Board provides an overview of the 2025 Report. For ease of reference, there is a separate Recommendations and Best Practices section highlighting the Board's recommendations and best practices grounded in research. The Board encourages law enforcement agencies, policymakers, the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST), community advocates, and individuals to use these recommendations and best practices as a platform for discussion and implementation of reforms that will improve public safety in California. The Board especially recognizes that the community is essential to any police reform and that agencies and state government should include diverse community members in the process and work in close partnership with them to improve police services in their communities and across California.
Additional Resources
On January 1, 2018, the RIPA Board released its first annual report. This was California’s first statewide report on racial and identity profiling in law enforcement.
The 2018 report was accompanied by a video that illustrates the purpose of the RIPA Board – including comments from members of the Board and the public on the need for the Board – and highlights the work of the Board.