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The Clan Lab Coordination program is a national strategy, intelligence sharing and training initiative addressing methamphetamine and pharmaceutical drug crimes in the United States.
The mission of the Clan Lab Coordination program is to reduce the availability of methamphetamine and its precursor chemicals throughout the United States. The program also seeks to reduce pharmaceutical drug crimes by utilizing best practices for investigations and intelligence collection and analysis.
The purpose of the Clan Lab Coordinator position is to provide cooperative, joint, multi-jurisdictional anti-drug efforts to task forces, state, regional and national levels. Through the coordinator position this effort was initially exclusively directed at the manufacture, importation and distribution of methamphetamine and its precursors. California has experienced, as the rest of the country has, significant threats from prescription drug diversion. The Clan Lab Coordinator program duties are to bring together the local, state, and national agencies to share information on methamphetamine manufacturing organizations and pharmaceutical crimes for the purposes of dismantling or identifying these organizations for further investigation. The Clan Lab Coordination program also hosts intelligence meetings when funding is available consisting of federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies including chemist and criminalists. These intelligence meetings are significant because of the opportunity of all of the different agencies meeting and sharing information at the same time. The Clan Lab Coordinator position also distributes leads from the Controlled Chemical Substance Program to various task forces around the state for the purposes of investigation into methamphetamine manufacturing organizations.