Case Name:
EHA, Inc. v Markwins Beauty Brands Inc.
Court Name:
Alameda County Superior Court
Environmental Health Advocates, Inc.
Markwins Beauty Brands, Inc.
99 Cents Only Stores, LLC
Injunctive Relief:
After the Effective Date, Markwins shall not manufacture or cause to manufacture Covered
Products for ultimate sale into the State of California. Notwithstanding anything else in this Consent Judgment, Covered Products that are
manufactured prior to the Effective Date shall be subject to the release of liability pursuant to this
Consent Judgment, without regard to when such Covered Products were, or are in the future, distributed
or sold to customers. As a result, the obligations of Markwins, or any Releasees (if applicable), stated
in this Section 2 do not apply to Covered Products manufactured prior to the Effective Date.